
Craft Apprenticeship is the recognised means by which people are trained to become craftspeople. To become a craft apprentice you must first obtain employment in your chosen craft with an employer who is approved to train apprentices.

Craft Apprenticeship is a standards-based education and training programme and generally consists of seven phases, three off-the-job and four on-the-job. The duration of a craft apprenticeship is typically four years.

In Tallaght Training Centre, we currently run Phase 2 for Carpentry & Joinery, Heavy Vehicle Mechanic, Electrical and Wood Manufacturing & Finishing apprenticeships.

For further information on becoming a craft apprentice or hiring a craft apprentice, please visit

2016+ Apprenticeships are different to Craft Apprenticeships and are Consortia-led. The duration of on-the-job and off-the-job stages are different for each apprenticeship. There are a huge variety of these apprenticeships available. To become an apprentice you must first obtain employment in your chosen craft with an employer who is approved to train apprentices.

Tallaght Training Centre currently delivers the National Hairdressing Apprenticeship and the Associate Software Developer Apprenticeships.

For further information on becoming an apprentice, please visit


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